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Last call for summer...

Summer is coming to a close, and parents everywhere are either drawing a huge sigh of relief, or dreading the inevitable return to a second career in nagging. Most parents, me included - would probably admit to feeling a little bit of both. While the structure of the school day helps steer the week, the homework, the carpooling, the sports schedule, etc. increases the load on kids and parents, alike.

And, the older a child gets, the heavier the schedule becomes. The space in between commitments is precious. Time, especially down time, is a treasure. Like anyone, kids need a break in between all the balls they’re juggling. Yoga teaches kids to use that space wisely-- to check in, listen to the breath, and tune into themselves.

So many schools are seeing the positive effects of incorporating mindfulness, meditation and yoga into their schedule. I am so proud to be able to teach at some of these schools, and to engage with parents who appreciate those benefits. The rewards of yoga can influence an entire family.

Being with my groups of young yogis is a gift. That schools have begun to embrace the need for ‘space’ in a child’s curriculum is also.

To inquire about school yoga, please email me at or

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